Drill Maker App for Spinshot
Download "Drill Maker" app from App Store
The Spinshot Plus, Plus-2 and Player machines are Apple and Android phones compatible that can be downloaded from the app stores. The wifi name "Spinshot xxxxxxx" is visible in phone wifi Setting once you press Start or Play button at the machine panel. Choose this network to connect to machine.
Settings remain in machine even at power off. New settings sent from phone overwrite previous, which is useful for players with different drill preferences. Multiple phones can be simultaneously connected to machine with wifi.
For machine with bluetooth module / watch remote, connection by phone bluetooth is preferred. You can choose the option at top right corner of drill maker app.
Internet connection is automatically disabled when phone is connected to machine wifi. Phone without SIM card can also be used.
Tips to connect to machine and minimise drop connection:
- at phone SETTING, WIFI NETWORK, tap "Spinshot xxxx" from the dropdown list to connect to machine.
- if phone prompts that there is no internet connection, tap "Stay Connected"
- tap CONNECT at Drill Maker app screen. Machine beeps when connected.
- turn off Virtual Private Network (VPN) if it is used in phone
- if court is within home wifi range, choose the home wifi network and tap FORGET NETWORK to avoid phone switching back to home wifi
- choose "allow Location when using app" when prompted
- Set phone time-out option (at phone setting) to 2 mins or more to minimise wifi disconnection from machine. Phone default is usually 30sec.
Remote Control for your Tennis Ball Machine
Plus-2 & Player machines
Using the app you can control your machine from the other end of the court. Start and stop the ball feed, select a different drill (there are 12 to choose from), or adjust the pre-programmed drills to suit your skill level.
Customise your drills
To adjust and customise the settings of a drill, hold down the the drill button and then change the values on the drill screen. You can change the values of each shot:
- Horz : Court's baseline is divided into 1~20, with 1=extreme left
- Speed : Ball speed 1~20
- Spin : +/- 9. +=topspin. -=backspin. 0=flat
- Hght : 1~50
- Feed : 1~10. The fastest is 10=2sec
The drill name is editable at the top 3dot in edit mode.
Drill Maker App for Plus machines
The drill maker app for Plus is different from Plus-2 or Player. Below is app for Plus, which has same button names as machine panel.
Download the app
Download our free app using the buttons below.