Spinshot Singapore


What is the difference between Plus2 and Player ?

Plus2 control panel has adjustment buttons for speed, spin, height, 2-lines drill etc.  whereas Player's panel only has drill number selection and Start / Stop buttons.  Both models have 12-drills function and are operated with the same Drill Maker app. 

Viewing control panel photos of both models will give better clarities.  Ball speeds are the same for both.  There are normal speed and high speed version for both Plus2 and Player.


How do I connect with phone and align the machine?  (Player and Plus2 models)

  1. Power ON the machine. It will perform a self-check with left-right oscillation, followed by 3 beeps.
  2. Press Play (or Start) button at panel to activate Wi-Fi connection with phone. You may then press Stop button to pause the machine. Select “Spinshot xxxxx” at phone WIFI network ( in phone setting ).
  3. Tap on Drill Maker app. If prompted with “No internet connection”, select “Stay Connected”. Then tap Connect, a machine beep should be audible.  Tap Start/Stop button at app to start machine.
  4. Aligning machine. Select D7, “wide angle 2-lines” (Horz = 1 and 20), and align machine such that ball placements at opposite side are equal distance from the centreline. The machine is aligned after this process is done.  

Why is the machine WIFI get disconnected from phone?

Set the phone “Screen Off” to 5 minutes or more.  The usual default is 30 secs in most phones. This will improve the connectivity duration.

Why is the Drill Maker app unable to connect with machine?

  1. Turn off VPN if you are using on phone.
  2. You may have forgotten to press the panel’s Start button after initial Power On.
  3. You may have forgotten to allow “Stay Connected” when prompted by phone that there is “No internet connection”.
  4. You need to allow “Location when using the app” when prompted.

What are the default drills?

The drill types are indicated at the app display, bottom left corner.  In drill edit mode, you can swipe left-right on phone screen to move to next or previous drill. Default are: D1 Flat, D2 Topspin, D3 Backspin, D4 Backhand, D5 Forehand, D6 2-lines narrow, D7 2-lines wide, D8 Lob, D9 Random Height, D10 Random Horizontal, D11 Baseline n Net, D12 Full Random.

Why do the balls seem to lose distance at topspin drill even with maximum speed?

Ball spin is achieved by slowing down either one of the propelling wheels. Reduce the spin level to increase ball speed.  Placing the machine inside the court’s baseline gives flexibility in spins with speed. 

Do I need to Off the power switch at the panel to conserve battery?

Power consumption is minimal with free running wheels.  2019 or newer models have auto propeller wheels stop feature when machine is in pause state.

Why does the ball suddenly lose speed such that it cannot cross the net?

Pre-2022 model: Ball jam will cause the T or B reset buttons to pop out 6mm. OFF the Power switch and wait till the propel wheels come to a stop.  Remove any ball stuck in between the 2 propel wheels and others that may be inside the machine. Press the reset button and ON the Power switch.

2022 model:  OFF the Power switch and wait till the propel wheels come to a stop. Remove the balls inside the machine.  ON the Power switch.  ( The 2 reset buttons are not used ).

Why is the machine not able to turn wide angle at horz = 1 and 20 setting?

It is likely one of the bottom rubber feet has dropped off. Make sure the side wheels do not touch the court surface.